
God on Sex: The Creator’s Ideas About Love, Intimacy and Marriage is unavailable, but you can change that!

God has much to say about sex. As the creator of sex, God understands this good gift, and he has imparted to us his plan for enjoying great sex. This book features the entire text of Song of Songs from the Holman Christian Standard Bible and is a popular, verse-by-verse treatment of God’s marriage manual. God on Sex examines popular misconceptions about marriage and sex, and it exposes their...

point. What’s the difference between those who survive the test and those who don’t? Commitment tops the list.”8 There was a commitment, a loyalty between Shulammite and Solomon. All night he lay as a precious perfume between her breasts, close to her heart. DESIRE IS MADE KNOWN BY LONGING (V. 14) (Tell him he is refreshing like an oasis in a desert.) Again Shulammite refers to Solomon as “my love.” Theirs is an exclusive love relationship. He is a one-woman kind of man, and she is a one-man kind
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